Front line staff, Ward Councillors and Locality Partnership members have a lead role in the Be Bold …Be the Difference campaign and locality working.

As the Be Bold campaign rolls-out, encouraging local people to get involved and make a difference in their community, we want you out in your community taking on your Community Builder role - enabling, supporting and connecting residents and communities.

We want you to be inspired and enthusiastic about the positive impact residents and communities can make in their local area by taking action, whether that’s something simple like visiting a neighbour or keeping your street tidy, or maybe something more substantial like starting up or volunteering with a community group. Connect people into neighbourhood partnerships or other community groups, where they can meet other people who are positive about their community.

Building a strong community helps keep residents safe, healthy, clean and strong, enabling you to spend more time focusing on the people who really need your help.

How we talk to residents, asking the right questions, listening effectively and maintaining a ‘community conversation’ is essential. It’s not just about public services doing things to people, let’s enable local people to take action, and work together with them.

What can residents and communities do, and what help would they need from organisations, to achieve their goals?

A key element of Community Building is knowing the people, groups, services and assets in your local area. To find out what’s going on in your local area use the Trafford Service Directory and always encourage services and groups to promote their activity on this site. And for an overview of your locality, use the asset maps on infotrafford

Whether you work for the police, leisure, housing, health, council, schools, fire, third sector organisation or are a Ward Councillor, there are lots of people working in communities who can advise and support action. So get to know each other, work as a team, share information and resources. This is locality working in action.

Finally, capture and share stories of where people are being bold to encourage others to be the difference. Put them in your newsletters, post them on this website, and if your tweeting use #BeBoldTrafford

If you require any information, advice or assistance, or want to share positive stories contact the Partnerships and Communities Team at or 0161 912 1173 or on Twitter @TPAction