South Trafford

This page provides information about South Trafford and how you can be involved in making the area a great place to live, work and play. The South Trafford’s Community Officer’s role is to engage partners and communities in local action, enable community groups to thrive, connect local people to community assets and services, and to support economic development in town centres. If you are interested in connecting with groups in the area or want to know what's on, then contact the Trafford Partnership or visit the Trafford Directory. If you would like more information on volunteering opportunities in the locality, or your voluntary group or organisation would like support, then contact Thrive Trafford.

Area Profile

South Trafford covers the local government wards of: Altrincham, Bowdon, Broadheath, Hale Barns, Hale Central, Timperley and Village. According to the last census, there were 76,681 residents in the locality. In terms of the population structure it is estimated that in the next ten years South Trafford will have the largest number of residents in the 68 and above age range out of all the localities. If you are interested in statistical information on the wards which make up the locality, please visit the Trafford ward profiler.

Locality Working

South Trafford has a healthy and active network of local residents, community groups, Ward Councillors, and staff who work in organisations such as the Council, Police, leisure, housing and health. They come together regularly through groups such as the Timperley Vision Group and Broadheath Partnership to help communities to thrive and come together. It is part of the Communities Officer's role to help facillitate these groups and enable them to make South Trafford a better place to live. 

For more information about activity in South Trafford, contact