Trafford Partnership Board

Role of the Trafford Partnership Board

The role of the board is to ensure the principles, values and behaviours of partnership working are being implemented throughout the Trafford Partnership and are delivering positive outcomes for and with residents, communities and business.

The board brings together a unique range of ‘leaders’; from across sectors, themes and roles, alongside the Chair and lead officer for the three strategic boards. This enables a dynamic set of voices, representing Trafford’s people, places and services, to provide advice, support and constructive challenge to strategic delivery, as well as overseeing progress and the ‘state of Trafford’; what it’s like to live and work in Trafford and its diverse communities.

The Trafford Partnership Board acts as a strategic influencer of the partnership.

The Trafford Partnership Board will do this by:

  • Setting the ambition for the Trafford Partnership and the borough, defined through the Trafford Together priorities and delivered through the partnership system
  • Reviewing delivery by the three strategic boards (Health and Wellbeing, Strong Communities and Inclusive Economy), providing advice, guidance and challenge to ensure that their activity follows the agreed principles, values and behaviours of partnership working in Trafford
  • Assuring that the priorities are being achieved in all neighbourhoods and communities, reducing inequality and maximising local strengths
  • Tracking key performance measures and media, personal stories and other qualitative information
  • Raising new opportunities and challenges, identifying the appropriate strategic board to lead a response
  • Exploring cross-cutting issues, encouraging collaboration across the strategic boards and with communities and other stakeholders
  • Helping to create and maintain a partnership values-based culture in the Trafford Partnership and across the whole of Trafford, by actively promoting the partnership, collaborative working and positive messaging about the borough with their peers, organisations and networks.

The Trafford Partnership Board does not have any decision-making authority or statutory governance role. It acts as an advisory body only. The Health and Wellbeing Board and the Safer Trafford Partnership Board have defined decision-making roles. In all other circumstances, decisions are made by officers on behalf of their organisation, and in line with their organisation’s designated governance procedures.

In addition, the board acts as an inclusive, non-political forum. Sensitive issues or information will be dealt with professionally, discreetly and where necessary confidentially. No one should gain unfair advantage from being a member, or not a member, of the board.

Recovery and Renewal Coordination Group

The Trafford Partnership Recovery and Renewal Coordination Group was estabished in 2020 to provide short term strategic leadership to the Trafford Partnership during the recovery and renewal phase of the Covid-19 pandemic. The group has developed a strategy and action plan to support a response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Trafford's Corporate Plan

The work of the Trafford Partnership Board, and Recovery and Renewal Coordination Group is aligned to Trafford's Corporate Plan which describes the Council's vision and priorities for the borough.

Members of the Trafford Partnership Board


  • Leader of the Labour Party
  • Leader of the Conservative Party
  • Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party
  • Leader of the Green Party
  • Executive Member for Communities and Partnerships

Public Service

  • Chief Executive Trafford Housing Trust
  • Chief Executive Trafford Council
  • Accountable Officer of Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
  • Chief Superintendent of Greater Manchester Police (Trafford)
  • Principal of Trafford College

Non Executive Directors / Community

  • Chair of Trafford Housing Trust
  • Chair of Trafford CCG
  • Community Representative
  • Chief Executive of University Academy 92

Inclusive Growth

  • Chair of the Inclusive Economy Board
  • Director of Strategy, Bruntwood

Health and Wellbeing

  • Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board

Strong Communities

  • Chair of the Strong Communities Board
  • Community representative