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Trafford Partnership Community Strategy

The Trafford Partnership Community Strategy sets out our Vision 2021, Key Objectives and Priority Outcomes for Trafford, which we will achieve by working together with organisations and communities.

View the Trafford Partnership Community Strategy for a full list of priorities and outcomes.

Building Strong Communities

Trafford Partnership’s Strong Communities Board has published a comprehensive strategy for Building Strong Communities in Trafford, highlighting the importance of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector and the changing role of businesses, public services and residents. It brings together key themes underpinning national and local agendas, including devolution, early help, shaping demand and locality working, into a coordinated vision for effective partnership working. This will be achieved through mutually beneficial relationships between organisations, across sectors and with residents and communities, which will drive innovation, collaboration and meaningful co-production.

Read our Strategy for Building Strong Communities

The Trafford Partnership Annual Report

These reports provide a summary of what the Partnership has been doing for the residents of Trafford over the past four years.

Trafford Partnership Third Sector Strategy

The Third Sector Strategy set out to create a significant shift in the relationship between the statutory, private and third sectors, to one that was based on clear priorities and achievement of improved outcomes for the residents of Trafford. The Strategy was used to help shape the Thrive Trafford contract.

Performance Management, Governance & Accountability Framework

The framework sets out how the Partnership makes decisions, is held to account and drives improvement and delivery in Trafford.

Trafford Compact Report

The Compact is an agreement between the public sector and local voluntary groups in Trafford.

It sets out the ways that public bodies such as the council, police and health services will work with voluntary and community groups to make a difference to the communities they serve and improve life for everyone.

The Compact covers issues such as funding and commissioning services, volunteering and workforce development, consultation, and development of diverse community groups.

Who to Contact

Partnerships and CommunitiesTeam
Trafford Council
1st Floor Extension
Trafford Town Hall
Talbot Road
M32 0TH


Telephone: 0161 912 1173
Minicom: 0161 912 1453